Trusted Trout leaders are hand tied in Ohio.
This leader is Trusted Trout's absolute favorite for swinging, and light nymphing. This 7' long leader eliminates the need for a traditional strike indicator, as it has a 1/2" piece of Rio Kahuna LT indicator material built into the butt section of the leader. See the image of the leader diagram for a visual presentation of the completed product.
You get all the benefits of having a more traditional strike indicator, while not having any detriment to the casting ability due to added weight or air resistance that separate indicators may provide.
Simply attach 12"-36" of tippet to the tippet ring and you're ready to go!
- 20" -20# Maxima Chameleon
- 3"- 15# Maxima Chameleon (with 1/2" section of indicator)
- 17"- 15# Maxima Chameleon
- 20"- 12# Maxima Chameleon
- 24"- 3x soft tippet material
- Tippet Ring
Fly box and rod not included.